Good morning parents in the new paradigm! An image flashed in my mind this morning as I was making breakfast and thinking of you all waking to the new reality at home with the kids: that CALM I talked about in the previous article, the importance of OUTLASTING the negative behaviour. How does this work? It turns down the heat and gives the children's Guard Dog hissy fits (and maybe yours!) time and space to blow out and blow over. Well the image I thought of was of a pot of pasta boiling over. You pull it off the stove to cool it down. IF YOU PUT IT BACK ON THE STOVE TOO SOON IT JUST BOILS OVER AGAIN. That's what I mean about going slowly and giving it time to cool off. Not engaging with it, not feeding it, not pressuring or growing it. This is how you free your True Child from enslavement to their Guard Dog and the repetitive miserable behaviour that they don't understand and can't control. No eye contact! No verbal! Stay calm, warm and loving but TAKE IT OFF THE STOVE! So when things boil up and over, flash your mind to the POT! Have a great day people! May magic happen like never before :)) Mary.
